Class CurvilinearCoords.Cell

  • Enclosing class:

    public class CurvilinearCoords.Cell
    extends Object
    A cell within this curvilinear grid.
    • Method Detail

      • getI

        public int getI()
      • getJ

        public int getJ()
      • getCentre

        public HorizontalPosition getCentre()
        Gets the centre point of this cell. Note that in some grid formulations, the point could be represented by NaNs (in this case the cell cannot be used or plotted: it exists in the grid simply for structural convenience).
      • getCorners

        public List<Point2D> getCorners()

        Returns a list of the (four) corners of this cell. The longitude coordinate (given by Point2D.getX()) of all the corners will be as close to the centre of the cell as possible. That is to say, if the centre of the cell is at a longitude of 179 degrees then a corner of the cell would be given with a longitude of 181 degrees, rather than -179 degrees. This helps with the plotting of the cell on a plane. This method returns a new List containing new Points with each invocation.

        Note that in some grid formulations, the corners could be represented by NaNs (in this case the cell cannot be used or plotted: it exists in the grid simply for structural convenience).

      • getEdgeNeighbours

        public List<CurvilinearCoords.Cell> getEdgeNeighbours()
        Gets the neighbours of this cell (up to four) that join this cell along an edge. The order of the cells in the list is such that the centres of the cells can be joined to form a polygon in which the edges do not cross.
      • getCornerNeighbours

        public List<CurvilinearCoords.Cell> getCornerNeighbours()
        Gets the neighbours of this cell (up to four) that join this cell at a corner. The order of the cells in the list is such that the centres of the cells can be joined to form a polygon in which the edges do not cross.
      • getNeighbours

        public List<CurvilinearCoords.Cell> getNeighbours()
        Gets the neighbours of this cell (up to eight) that join this cell at an edge or corner.
      • getArea

        public double getArea()

        Returns the area of this cell in square degrees.

        Note that in some grid formulations, the area could be NaN (in this case the cell cannot be used or plotted: it exists in the grid simply for structural convenience).

      • getBoundaryPath

        public Path2D getBoundaryPath()
        Gets a Path2D object representing the boundary of this cell, formed by joining its corners by straight lines in longitude-latitude space. This returns a new Path2D object with each invocation.
      • getMinimumBoundingRectangle

        public BoundingBox getMinimumBoundingRectangle()
      • findDistanceSq

        public double findDistanceSq​(double lon,
                                     double lat)
        Finds the square of the distance between the centre of this cell and the given HorizontalPosition
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(double lon,
                                double lat)
        Returns true if this cell's boundary contains the given longitude-latitude point. TODO what happens if this cell is represented by NaNs?
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object