AbstractImmutableArray<T> |
Array1D<T> |
Array2D<T> |
Array4D<T> |
CoastlineReader |
A class with static methods to read data from the GSHHS binary format to
create masks of land data.
CollectionUtils |
Contains some useful utility methods for working with Collections.
CurvilinearCoords |
A horizontal (2D) grid that is defined by explicitly specifying the longitude
and latitude coordinates of its cells.
Extents |
Contains convenience methods for creating Extent objects.
GISUtils |
A class containing static methods which are useful for GIS operations.
GISUtils.EpsgDatabasePath |
Contains a single static flag.
GridCoordinates2D |
Class representing a pair of integer co-ordinates.
ImmutableArray1D<T> |
LookUpTable |
An object that provides an approximate means for mapping from
longitude-latitude coordinates to i and j index coordinates in a curvilinear
RArray |
Abstract superclass for resizeable integer arrays.
RLongArray |
A resizeable array of signed long integers.
RUByteArray |
A resizeable array of unsigned bytes.
RUIntArray |
A resizeable array of unsigned integers.
RUShortArray |
A resizeable array of unsigned short integers.
SingleValueImmutableArray1D |
An Array1D which holds just a single value.
TimeUtils |
Collection of static utility methods that are useful for dealing with
time-related types.
ValuesArray1D |
Implementation of an Array1D which uses an array of Double s
for storage.
ValuesArray2D |
Implementation of an Array2D which uses an array of Double s
for storage.
ValuesArray4D |
Implementation of an Array4D which uses an array of Double s
for storage.